New Year 2012 Summary

This year has been a strange year for me. It was the second ‘new year’ with my boyfriend of now a year and a half. It was the start of a massive change for me. I left people behind I’d been friends with and surrounded by for 7 years to start fresh. It was nervous but starting Uni was amazing. Having the chance to go to Uni and studying something that I love and enjoy. Building up to getting the career I want by having an internship was an exciting opportunity this year for me, and a massive jump into where I want to be in the future. I turned 18 too, which was an exciting thing. I started my new job which I absolutely love! It hasn’t all been great. I’ve had some really gutting family news. I was ill all over Christmas and was in hospital which sucked but I’m grateful to have got through stuff. Although I can’t drink tonight, I’m not bothered; I’m spending the night up London with my amazing boyfriend to watch fireworks, so in my eyes, I couldn’t ask for more. So hope you had a great Christmas, and have an amazing (and safe/drunkful) new years! And I’m sure I’ll post something in the start of 2013! (I’m going to have to get used to writing that now) xxxx